Antonio L. Pina

Antonio L. Piña


Consulting Engineer/Civil & Structural

Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Structures, Foundation Inspections and Analysis, Roadway/Bridge Structural Design and Analysis

  • Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering at Drexel University, 2004.
  • Primary areas of consultation: Structural - Foundation & superstructures of steel, timber, and reinforced concrete structures (residential and commercial). Design and construction of residential and commercial structures, lifting devices, and rigging for single-point lifts of structures and equipment (up to 600 tons). Civil - Roads and bridges, earth retaining structures, storm drainage collection and drainage systems, sanitary drainage collection and treatment plants, water supply distribution and irrigation systems, and site work design including compliance for handicap access.
  • Extensive experience since 2006 in residential construction, home inspections, loss investigation and documentation. Also, consulted on indoor Air Quality, and Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) consultation services to legal, insurance, commercial, and private clients. Investigated, sampled, evaluated, and reported on indoor air quality cases involving contamination by molds or other contaminants, in commercial buildings, schools, multi-family dwellings, and private residences. Additional experience in management and manipulation of various computer-based applications in finite element analysis, structural design, O&G Pipeline, hydrology, and AutoCAD design in various facets.
  • Over 18 years of structural analysis and design.
  • 2024-Present


    Houston, Texas

    Consulting Engineer. Performed investigations and analyses of structural failures. Conducted structural investigations for damage due to hurricanes, fire loss, tree impacts, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods. Projects include foundations and structures of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, roof structures, earth retaining structures, and construction shoring.

  • 2015 –2024



    Responsible for analysis of issues regarding civil/structural engineering disciplines related to property and product liability losses. Emphasis is on the design, construction, and performance of industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential buildings, with representative topics being architectural and structural issues, code and accessibility compliance, contractual disputes, and construction delays. Related responsibilities include advising municipal officials, school administration officials, property owners, attorneys, and insurance claims representatives on a broad range of building-related issues.

    Provide Indoor Air Quality, and Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) consultation services to legal, insurance, commercial, and private clients. Investigated, sampled, evaluated, and reported on indoor air quality cases involving contamination by molds or other contaminants, in commercial buildings, schools, multi-family dwellings, and private residences.

  • 2009 –2015


    Houston, TX

    Project Manger. Performed field inspections of ongoing projects and existing buildings for additions or renovations. Performed and assisted in inspecting stream crossings and grade separations for steel, concrete, and timber bridges throughout Texas. Reviewed and prepared folders, including typing inspection reports in PonTex and photographs. Reviewed and designed foundations and tilt-wall buildings. Trained personnel in assisting with office duties and field inspections. Performed inspections of existing roadway conditions and determined areas to be replaced. Assisted in preparing plan and profile sheets, traffic control sheets in CAD, and calculated construction estimates. Provided cost-effective plans within schedule.

  • 2006 –2009


    Houston, TX

    Frame Engineer. Designed roof, ceiling, and floor systems for residential production and custom builders. Explained application methods of the International Residential Code within the design to necessary parties. Provided low-cost solutions to framing issues arising in the field. Provided "lessons learned" exercises on prototypes to minimize construction issues in the field. Provided cost-effective plans within schedule.

  • 2006


    Houston, TX

    Superintendent. Maintained schedule with various trades and vendors to complete residence within a given time frame. Discussed construction process with homeowners and maintained communication throughout construction. Inspected houses at various stages to ensure completion of work and enforce code regulations.

  • 2004 –2006


    Laurel, MD

    Engineering Technician. Trained new technicians in the field and the office on the proper procedures. Analyzed and solved soil compaction issues at various construction sites. Tested soils to determine maximum dry density and optimum moisture at site and laboratory. Analyzed and evaluated construction drawings for subgrade preparation reports and ensured that built structures matched plans. Maintained detailed written logs, including test deviations and recommended course of action.

  • Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, 2004
  • Licensed Professional Engineer:
    • Alabama

      No. 35860

    • Arkansas

      No. 1701

    • Florida

      No. 81008

    • Louisiana

      No. 41122

    • Pennsylvania

      No. PE085318

    • North Carolina

      No. 44179

    • South Carolina

      No. 33223

    • Texas

      No. 119977

  • Licensed Texas Mold Assessment Consultant (MAC), MAC 1960
  • OSHA 30- Construction Industry Outreach Training
  • Certified Aerial Boom Lift & Scissor Lift Operator
    • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
    • Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI)
    • Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE)
    • National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
    • American Concrete Institute (ACI)
    • Forensics Engineering Conference, UT at Austin, Eng. Executive Education, Feb. 8-9, 2024
    • Forensics Engineering Conference, UT at Austin, Eng. Executive Education, Feb. 9-10, 2023
    • 40-hour Mold Assessment Consultant Course


    • Professional Summary
    • Employment Record
    • Education
    • Registrations, Licenses & Certifications
    • Professional Memberships
    • Continuing Education